no one ever said it would be this hard

Can't seem to hold you like I want to
So I can feel it in my arms
Nobody's gonna come and save you
We pulled too many false alarms
So I can feel it in my arms
Nobody's gonna come and save you
We pulled too many false alarms
erase everything
tänk om man bara kunde stoppa allting och bara pussla ihop alla bitar från sitt trasiga liv. börja om på nytt och sedan starta tiden. tänk hur lätt det hade varit.
dom här senaste veckorna har fan varit skit på riktigt, känns som att allting bara vänder sig emot mig, har kännt på mig i flera veckor att något väldigt jävla dåligt ska hända och igår fick jag se vad som hände, mår så sjukt jävla dåligt inombords, livet har fan bara rasat. jag har tydligen gjort saker som jag aldrig ens har gjort, jag har bara sagt hur jag känner inte något annat jävla bullshit och till er alla andra där ute så ta reda på fakta först innan ni börjar gnälla!
att bli lämnad ute i ingenstans, med ingenting att luta sig mot, att inte ha någon i ens liv känns för jävligt, jag förstår inte ens varför jag lever. men jag ska vara stark och inte visa mig svag, för det är det värsta jag kan göra.
ibland förlorar man men jag tycker att jag alltid förlorar, jag har aldrig något att vinna.
idag ska jag försöka prata med en människa som jag inte tror kommer vela prata med mig, men jag har lite ynka små saker att berätta, att förklara, att få fram. men innan det blire att färga håret och åka på stan och handla lite behövande saker!

you're the only one for me

Every day (day),
Every night (night)
I wanna see you baby,
stayin' by my side. (by my side)
I'm going down on my,
on my knees for you. (you)
For your love I'd do it,
for your sake, believe I do. (do)
If you don't love me,
why do you raise my hopes?
no matter what happens,
I can't let you go.
You got it wrong,
I didn't wanna hurt you.
I wanna be all the world to you.
I've not the faintest idea,
why you're not talkin' to me?
I'm trying to be the perfect man,
you always want me to be.
I'm accustomed to you,
you're a part of my life.
Everything I told you honey,
I've nothing to hide.
You're my little angel,
you're my little star.
I'm still waitin' every hour,
you're so close to my heart.
All my life I've been waitin',
for one monent in time.
We're together I adore you,
I so adore your sweet smile girl.
I don't give a damn about what somebody told you.
I will ever be your man 'cause baby I love you.
If the worse comes to the worst,
I'm gonna hold you.
I feel you're far from believin' it.
We walk through a world where nobody has been before.
Turn back the hands of time open every door.
I swear I will allay your doubts and sure I love you more,
to retrieve your affinity.
Every day (day),
Every night (night)
I wanna see you baby,
stayin' by my side. (by my side)
I'm going down on my,
on my knees for you. (for you)
For your love I'd do it,
for your sake, believe I do. (do)
If you don't love me,
why do you raise my hopes?
no matter what happens,
I can't let you go.
You got it wrong,
I didn't wanna hurt you.
I wanna be all the world to you.
You look into my eyes,
Put me out of my misery.
I have never told lies,
I hope that you come back to me.
I want to spend my time of lovin' you forever
No matter what happens,
we must stick together.
Come on trust in my words,
give me your heart back again.
Kiss my lips, touch my hand,
give me a second chance.
My heart is pumpin',
have a feeling that I've never felt,
If I'm allowed to be with you,
the luck is coming to my world.
So far as I remember,you was perfectly happy to find someone like me,
in a world full of traffic.
I fulfill your dreams,
its not only a taffy...
You're the only one for me.
We walk through the world where nobody has been before.
Turn back the hands of time open every door.
I swear will allay your doubts and sure I love you more,
to retrieve your affinity.
Every day (day),
Every night (night)
I wanna see you baby,
stayin' by my side. (by my side)
I'm going down on my,
on my knees for you. (for you)
For your love I'd do it,
for your sake, believe I do. (do)
If you don't love me,
why do you raise my hopes?
no matter what happens,
I can't let you go.
You got it wrong,
I didn't wanna hurt you.
I wanna be all the world to you.
If you don't love me,
why do you raise my hopes?
no matter what happens,
I can't let you go.
You got it wrong,
I didn't wanna hurt you.
I wanna be all the world to you.
Every day (day),
Every night (night)
I wanna see you baby,
stayin' by my side. (by my side)
I'm going down on my,
on my knees for you. (for you)
For your love I'd do it,
for your sake, believe I do. (do)
If you don't love me,
why do you raise my hopes?
no matter what happens,
I can't let you go.
You got it wrong,
I didn't wanna hurt you.
I wanna be all the world to you.
Everyday (day, day , day)
Every night ( every night, every night, every night)
Everyday (day, day , day)
Every night ( every night, every night, every night)
I wanna see you baby,
stayin' by my side. (every day, day, day, day)
Every night (every night, every night, every night)
Everyday (day, day , day)
Every night (every night, every night, every night)
I'm accustomed to you.
Every night (night)
I wanna see you baby,
stayin' by my side. (by my side)
I'm going down on my,
on my knees for you. (you)
For your love I'd do it,
for your sake, believe I do. (do)
If you don't love me,
why do you raise my hopes?
no matter what happens,
I can't let you go.
You got it wrong,
I didn't wanna hurt you.
I wanna be all the world to you.
I've not the faintest idea,
why you're not talkin' to me?
I'm trying to be the perfect man,
you always want me to be.
I'm accustomed to you,
you're a part of my life.
Everything I told you honey,
I've nothing to hide.
You're my little angel,
you're my little star.
I'm still waitin' every hour,
you're so close to my heart.
All my life I've been waitin',
for one monent in time.
We're together I adore you,
I so adore your sweet smile girl.
I don't give a damn about what somebody told you.
I will ever be your man 'cause baby I love you.
If the worse comes to the worst,
I'm gonna hold you.
I feel you're far from believin' it.
We walk through a world where nobody has been before.
Turn back the hands of time open every door.
I swear I will allay your doubts and sure I love you more,
to retrieve your affinity.
Every day (day),
Every night (night)
I wanna see you baby,
stayin' by my side. (by my side)
I'm going down on my,
on my knees for you. (for you)
For your love I'd do it,
for your sake, believe I do. (do)
If you don't love me,
why do you raise my hopes?
no matter what happens,
I can't let you go.
You got it wrong,
I didn't wanna hurt you.
I wanna be all the world to you.
You look into my eyes,
Put me out of my misery.
I have never told lies,
I hope that you come back to me.
I want to spend my time of lovin' you forever
No matter what happens,
we must stick together.
Come on trust in my words,
give me your heart back again.
Kiss my lips, touch my hand,
give me a second chance.
My heart is pumpin',
have a feeling that I've never felt,
If I'm allowed to be with you,
the luck is coming to my world.
So far as I remember,you was perfectly happy to find someone like me,
in a world full of traffic.
I fulfill your dreams,
its not only a taffy...
You're the only one for me.
We walk through the world where nobody has been before.
Turn back the hands of time open every door.
I swear will allay your doubts and sure I love you more,
to retrieve your affinity.
Every day (day),
Every night (night)
I wanna see you baby,
stayin' by my side. (by my side)
I'm going down on my,
on my knees for you. (for you)
For your love I'd do it,
for your sake, believe I do. (do)
If you don't love me,
why do you raise my hopes?
no matter what happens,
I can't let you go.
You got it wrong,
I didn't wanna hurt you.
I wanna be all the world to you.
If you don't love me,
why do you raise my hopes?
no matter what happens,
I can't let you go.
You got it wrong,
I didn't wanna hurt you.
I wanna be all the world to you.
Every day (day),
Every night (night)
I wanna see you baby,
stayin' by my side. (by my side)
I'm going down on my,
on my knees for you. (for you)
For your love I'd do it,
for your sake, believe I do. (do)
If you don't love me,
why do you raise my hopes?
no matter what happens,
I can't let you go.
You got it wrong,
I didn't wanna hurt you.
I wanna be all the world to you.
Everyday (day, day , day)
Every night ( every night, every night, every night)
Everyday (day, day , day)
Every night ( every night, every night, every night)
I wanna see you baby,
stayin' by my side. (every day, day, day, day)
Every night (every night, every night, every night)
Everyday (day, day , day)
Every night (every night, every night, every night)
I'm accustomed to you.
if you only knew